Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

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Esta receta también está disponible en español. In my last post I shared a recipe for traditional Colombian arepas. This recipe for Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes) brings you the tastiest variety to the basic arepa.

So popular

Arepas are round and flat corn cakes, made of cornmeal, water and butter. The basic arepa you eat for breakfast, as a side-dish to a main course, or as a snack. There is not a single dish that is more Colombian than the arepa. 73 % of Colombians eats an arepa for breakfast. It is the third most consumed food in the country, after eggs and bread.


One might think. Is it not boring to always eat an arepa for breakfast? If you would always eat the same, maybe yes. But Colombia knows a wide array of different types of arepas and most regions have their own speciality. Besides that, considering an arepa is the equivalent of a tortilla, a flatbread, or a slice of bread, it means that you can add things to it! The sky is the limit.

Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

One of the most common and popular fillings for an arepa is cheese. This can be any cheese you like, as long as it melts. I like to use mozarella, either sliced or grated. The way to prepare them, is by cooking arepas according to the recipe. When they are almost done, you take the arepa out of the pan and you slice it open to make a little pocket, just as you would filling a pita, for example. In the pocket you put as much cheese as desired, and you continue cooking the stuffed arepa until the cheese is melted.

Read:   Arepa Boyacense (Corn Cakes from Boyacá Colombia)

Perfect cheesy deliciousness. Serve while hot and be happy.

Suggested recipes for Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

Arepas Colombianas (Colombian Corn Cakes)

Hogao (Tomato Onion Sauce)

Do you love Colombian food? Click here for more vegetarian recipes!

Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

Arepas de Queso Colombianas (Cheese-Stuffed Corn Cakes)

This recipe for cheese-stuffed Colombian arepas will leave you wanting more. Cheesy goodness perfect for breakfast or as a snack.
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Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Breakfast, Side Dish, Snack
Cuisine Colombian
Servings 4 stuffed arepas


  • 1 recipe of Arepas Colombianas (Colombian Corn Cakes), link above in blog text
  • 2-3 handfuls of mozarella cheese (or other cheese that can melt), grated or sliced


  • Prepare arepas according to instructions (link in text), only cook them about 1 minute less per side
  • Take arepas out of the frying pan. Let cool a bit, and using a sharp knife make an opening in de arepa, creating a little pocket (like opening up a pita bread)
  • Add cheese to the arepa
  • Continue cooking in a hot frying pan, until cheese has completely melted
  • Serve while hot. If desired add some hogao (Colombian Tomato Onion Sauce) to your arepa


Arepas are best when eaten the same day. Once cheese is added, they don't keep well. 
Keyword arepas, breakfast, cheese, gluten-free, side-dish, snack, vegetarian
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