Tag: lulo

Colombian Lulada (Lulo Fruit Drink)

Colombian Lulada (Lulo Fruit Drink)

A lulada is a refreshing drink starring lulo (also called naranjilla), which is a Latin-American tropical fruit with a citrus flavor. Haz clic en Lulada Colombiana (Bebida de Lulo/Naranjilla) para la receta en español. What is a lulo/ naranjilla? Lulo is a fruit that belongs 

Ají de Lulo (Colombian Hot Sauce with Lulo)

Ají de Lulo (Colombian Hot Sauce with Lulo)

Esta receta también está disponible en español. Ají de Lulo (Colombian Hot Sauce with Lulo) is another recipe inspired by the recept trip to the Colombian Amazon. We stayed in a hotel named La Ceiba (Amazonas) and it is 200% recommended if you are planning to