Tag: fruit

Colombian Lulada (Lulo Fruit Drink)

Colombian Lulada (Lulo Fruit Drink)

A lulada is a refreshing drink starring lulo (also called naranjilla), which is a Latin-American tropical fruit with a citrus flavor. Haz clic en Lulada Colombiana (Bebida de Lulo/Naranjilla) para la receta en español. What is a lulo/ naranjilla? Lulo is a fruit that belongs 

Colombian Vegan Fruity Merengón

Colombian Vegan Fruity Merengón

Colombian Vegan Fruity Merengón. Esta receta también está disponible en español. Colombian merengón is a dessert consisting of meringue, cream and fresh fruit. It is very similar to a pavlova, the traditional dessert from Australia/New Zealand. For years my favorite dessert was an English variety