Tag: drinks

Limonada de Panela (Colombian Sugarcane Limeade)

Limonada de Panela (Colombian Sugarcane Limeade)

This Colombian drink made of panela (unrefined cane sugar) and limes is the most refreshing beverage you can drink on a hot day! Recently I posted a recipe for a warm drink with panela (Aguapanela, Hot Colombian Sugarcane Drink), perfect for cold nights. But this 

Colombian Lulada (Lulo Fruit Drink)

Colombian Lulada (Lulo Fruit Drink)

A lulada is a refreshing drink starring lulo (also called naranjilla), which is a Latin-American tropical fruit with a citrus flavor. Haz clic en Lulada Colombiana (Bebida de Lulo/Naranjilla) para la receta en español. What is a lulo/ naranjilla? Lulo is a fruit that belongs 

Aguapanela (Hot Colombian Sugarcane Drink)

Aguapanela (Hot Colombian Sugarcane Drink)

Aguapanela (Hot Colombian Sugarcane Drink). Esta receta también está disponible en español. Aguapanela or agua de panela is a drink made of panela and water. You can drink it cold like a lemonade or warm, like the recipe I share with you today. Panela Firstly 

Colombian Vegan Oatmeal Drink (Avena)

Colombian Vegan Oatmeal Drink (Avena)

Colombian Vegan Oatmeal Drink (Avena). Esta receta también está disponible en español. Colombian avena is a traditional non-alcoholic drink prepared with oatmeal. The main ingredient of the drink is, not surprisingly, oatmeal (which means avena in Spanish). It is a thick, sweet and creamy shake 

Chelada (Beer Cocktail)

Chelada (Beer Cocktail)

Chelada (Beer Cocktail). Esta receta también está disponible en Español. Although this is a Colombian foodblog, today I will feature the chelada, a beer cocktail that is originally from Mexico.  But 100 % worth to be featured here, because the chelada is very popular in