Tag: dessert

Vegan Guava Candy Muffins

Vegan Guava Candy Muffins

These muffins are made with Colombian bocadillo, which is a type of candy consisting of guava fruit and sugar. The recipe is vegan, easy and fast to prepare. Esta receta también está disponible en español. What is Colombian Bocadillo (Guava Fruit Candy)? The most important 

Colombian Vegan Fruity Merengón

Colombian Vegan Fruity Merengón

Colombian Vegan Fruity Merengón. Esta receta también está disponible en español. Colombian merengón is a dessert consisting of meringue, cream and fresh fruit. It is very similar to a pavlova, the traditional dessert from Australia/New Zealand. For years my favorite dessert was an English variety 

Banoffee Pie with Colombian Arequipe

Banoffee Pie with Colombian Arequipe

Banoffee Pie with Colombian Arequipe. Esta receta también está disponible en español. Banoffee pie is an easy and no-bake delicious treat. There is nothing traditional Colombian about this recipe though. Banoffee pie is according to Wikipedia an English invention. But one of the main ingredients 

Colombian Christmas Custard with Blackberry Sauce (Natilla Colombiana)

Colombian Christmas Custard with Blackberry Sauce (Natilla Colombiana)

Natilla, a Colombian custard pudding with blackberry sauce, is quintessential Colombian Christmas food. You only need 6 ingredients and 30 minutes to prepare this festive typical dessert. Haz clic en Natilla Colombiana con Salsa de Mora para la receta en español. Christmas in Colombia The 

Arroz Con Leche Colombiano (Rice Pudding)

Arroz Con Leche Colombiano (Rice Pudding)

Arroz Con Leche Colombiano (Rice Pudding). Esta receta también está disponible en Español. Arroz con leche. Most likely one of the most famous desserts from Latin America. Today no history lesson about where this rice pudding comes from. It’s a bit like asking where the 

Almojábana Bread Pudding

Almojábana Bread Pudding

Almojábana Bread Pudding. Esta receta también está disponible en Español. Almojábanas are a type of bread made of cornmeal and fresh, white cheese. They are delicious straight out of the oven, for breakfast or as a snack. Look up my recipe for almojábanas here. There